To manage your expenses and make
your company's accounting easier.
Too much paperwork ? Too much fraud ?
Reduced visibility of your employees'
expenses ?
Lack of time for administrative management ?
The C2A card allows you to save on the expenses incurred by your employees while making accounting and administrative management easier. On average, time spent on managing professional expenses is halved.
Did you know?
Poor expense management can cost up to €300 per month, per employee.
For a company with 20 employees, this results in an annual loss of €72,000.
(Source: HRS and GBTA study, 2015)
MyC2A Inpensa links the expenditure made by the C2A card to the company's chart of accounts. Even expenses paid with other means of payment can be processed by this software.
Order C2A cards and say goodbye to the headache of managing expense reports
Track expenses online via MyC2A (including rejected expenses)
Digitalise your receipts in a few clicks using your MyC2A Inpensa software
Validate and export to your accounting software
With the C2A card, any type of expense is selected and set up in advance by the manager.
Other types of expenditure simply cannot be paid with the C2A card.
The expenses incurred (even those that have been refused) are visible online on the MyC2A platform.
Card management is scalable. It can be modified directly on the MyC2A platform or by calling the C2A Customer Service 24/7.
By having employees scan receipts and invoices from their smartphones, you no longer have to sort through crumpled paperwork that spills onto your accountants' desks.
Accounting reconciliation is much faster using digital receipts.
If you wish, you can choose to enter the mileage for each tank of fuel.
Order a cardC2A customer service hotline? One call and you will get an immediate response. The service is available 24/7 by phone.
Call our customer serviceSMEs, very small companies, large accounts, companies in difficulty or start-ups. Our C2A card is available for companies of all sizes and in all sectors.
on Google
Maeva Forestier
Management assistant, Creat Services
"With the C2A card, it's much simpler and I can easily save a good half-day's work...”
Ms Simonato
HR Manager a Modern' Irrigation
"Before, our employees used their personal cards and therefore had to advance funds..."