As a user of this site, we invite you to read the legal notice and general conditions below. By continuing your browsing, you agree to comply with these terms of use.
You agree not to use the information provided by this website for any purpose that is unlawful or contrary to the conditions set out herein.
The site is edited by C2A SAS, Registered in France with the
registration number RCS de Bayonne n° B 522 031 624
Capital: €3,049,674
Adress : 63 Avenue de Bayonne 64210 BIDART - FRANCE
VAT number: FR 08 522031624
Telephone: +33(0)5 59 47 05 05
Person in charge: Mr D’HUITEAU
The site is hosted by OVH SAS
Address : 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59100 Roubaix – FRANCE
Design and development: Make the Grade
27 rue de Brizeux – 35 700 Rennes
Compagnie de l'Arc Atlantique - C2A is a regulated payment institution, approved and supervised by the French Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), registered under the number CIB 16498. All funds deposited by our clients are protected in accordance with the applicable regulations. The funds are ring-fenced at our lead bank : Natixis CIB 30007. The French Fond de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) covers the deposits up to a limit of €100,000 for each client, in the case of bankruptcy of Natixis.
The full privacy statement and legal information is provided in French only in the Mentions Légales (Legal Notice) page.
We need to ask you to provide certain information to best organize the service you expect.
Specific information is required to process your request. On the pages where personal data is requested, you will be informed of the compulsory or optional nature of their transmission, as well as the possible consequences if not provided.
In accordance with the GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation. (EU) 2016/679 from 27 - 4 - 2016) and as part of the relationship with its customers, C2A is required to collect personal data about them. Information on how data is processed, and on the exercise of the Customer's rights with respect to such data is provided in the Personal Data Protection Charter. In addition, and in accordance with regulations, you have the right to access, modify, and object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your personal data.
To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer by mail at the following address C2A ZA AGORETTA - 63, Avenue de Bayonne - 64210 BIDART - France or by e-mail dpo@c2a -
C2A may be required, as part of one of its partners’ targeted information campaigns, to make certain data from its customer base available. If you have not objected to this on the page where the data was collected, you can do so at any time by sending your request to our Customer Relations Department by e-mail
In accordance with French Law, we have declared our website to the CNIL (French data protection authority).
Declaration to the CNIL was done under numbers 1611041 v 0 and 1632694 v 0
When visiting our website, we implant a "cookie" in your computer which will allow you, during your next visits, to be recognized by our services.
Generally speaking, a cookie records information about your computer's navigation on our site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that we can read during your subsequent visits. Indeed, it contains the information that you will provide to us when you register. You will therefore not need to fill in the login and password fields during your next visits.
These cookies have no effect on the other data residing on your machine.
Please note that you can prevent cookies from being saved by configuring your browser.
All elements within this website (including trademarks, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, sounds, photos, and animations) are the property of the publisher of this website, with the exception of elements originating from C2A partners.
The website is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual property rights. All C2A rights are reserved. Therefore, any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, be it partial or total, onto any electronic or non-electronic medium, whether present or future, other than individual or private, is prohibited without prior express authorization. Similarly, the information databases are protected under the law applicable to data compilations. This way, any extraction or attempted extraction, whether total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal liabilities of the offender.
We wish to inform you that C2A authorizes any website or any other medium to quote or to set up a hypertext link pointing to the address
The authorization to set up a link is valid for any medium, with the exception of those disseminating information of a political, religious, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may be in breach of good morals and decency.
Under this authorization, our team reserves the right to object.
Moreover, when setting up a hypertext link within your site, we also grant you the right to reproduce our logo, so long as the aforementioned link is included and is referenced.
As such, the logo’s format and charter must be respected.
All the information and hypertext links available on the present site are provided in good faith.
This site contains hyperlinks directing Internet users to sites managed by third parties. Consequently, C2A cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites, nor for the services offered on these sites, nor for any difficulties that Internet users may encounter in accessing them. Despite the care taken to ensure that this site is constantly updated, C2A may not be held liable for the consequences of erroneous information provided by one of our partners, nor for any legal or regulatory changes made after the information was published online.
C2A reserves the right to modify the information provided on the site at any time and without notice.
The C2A Group shall make every effort to ensure that the services offered are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, access to these services may be interrupted, particularly for maintenance and upgrading purposes, or for any ot her reason, especially technical ones. C2A is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user or any third party. Furthermore, C2A reserves the right to terminate or modify the services offered on the site at any time.