Information on cookies


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file placed and saved on the internet User’s hard drive, subject to their choices, by the server of the site visited or a third-party server (analytical web tool, advertising, partners, etc.).


A cookie therefore enables the User’s device to be recognized when returning to a website. Indeed, it is not the User that is recognized but the device from which the website is being visited. Only the sender of the cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained in it.


When you connect to our site, we may, subject to your choices, install various Cookies in your device enabling us to recognize its browser during the period of validity of the Cookie concerned. The Cookies that we send are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices that result from the settings of your web browser used when visiting our site.


The cookies we use enable us to:

  • Establish statistics, volumes and frequency of visits and use of various elements that make up our website (section headings and contents visited, route taken), enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services; (Partner cookies for measuring audience (Google Analytics):


  • Adapt the presentation of our site to your device’s display preferences (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our site, according to the materials and visualization and browsing software in your device;


  • Facilitate access to customized contents that are reserved for identified users;


  • Memorize information relating to a form that you filled out on our website (access to your account, etc.).


Your choices concerning cookies

You have different ways in which you can control the cookies. Any configuration that you may undertake is likely to modify your browsing of our websites and of Internet in general; your conditions of access to some of our Sites’ services require the use of cookies.


At any time, you can express and modify your preferences with regards to cookies through the means described below.


The choices offered by your browser software

  • You can set your browser configuration so that cookies are recorded in your device or, on the contrary, are refused, either systematically or according to their sender.
  • You can also set your browser configuration in such a way that acceptance or refusal of cookies is proposed to you from time to time, before the cookie is recorded in your device.


For further information, consult the page below entitled “How to exercise your choices accor ding to the browser used”


Accepting cookies

Recording a cookie in a device is essentially subject to the device user’s wishes, which can be expressed and modified at any time, free of charge through choices that are offered by the browser 80 software.


If, in your browser software, you accept the recording of cookies in your device, the cookies integrated in the pages and contents that you have consulted can be temporarily stored in a dedicated space in your device. They can only be read by their sender.


Refusing cookies

If you refuse the recording of cookies in your device, or if you delete those that have been recorded, you will not be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities that are nevertheless necessary when browsing in certain areas of our Sites. This would be the case if you tried to log onto your account or subscription, for which it is essential that you be identified. This would also be the case when we, or our service providers, are unable to recognize, for the purposes of technical compatibility, the type of browser used by your device, its language and display settings or the country from which your device seems to be connected to Internet.


If applicable, we decline all liability for the consequences arising from the deteriorated functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their functioning that you have refused or deleted.


How to exercise your choices according to the browser used

The configuration of each browser is different with regards to the management of Cookies. It is described in your browser’s Help Menu and will enable you to find out the way in which you can modify your Cookie settings.


To find out about the options offered by any other browser and the means of deleting cookie files stored in your device, according to the browser(s) installed in your device, we invite you to consult the Help Menu of your browser as well as the section entitled “Your Tracks” on your country’s Data Protection website (in France, the CNIL–Commission Nationale de l’Informatique & des Libertés)